Monday, February 12, 2007

back in bangkok

Bangkok has EVERYTHING. wow. even this, apparently.

ME photographing the TOBABENS photographing the RECLINING BUDDHA. i know, it BLEW my mind, too.

giant reclining buddha. you see, it's REALLY big and also lying down. gold, too. but that's not part of the name.

delicious thai ginger ale

these kids won the "best thais in pink coats 2007" and they totally deserved it.

aaron and some electrical wires

joren and his new friend. we didn't tell him he wasn't real. we just said he was REALLY quiet.

monk getting monkified

thai version of "operation"

beth paying penance. it took a LOT of baht. also, sarah was kind enough to crop my hump out of the photo.


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