Tuesday, January 16, 2007

el nido: el ROCKS

el nido (palawan, philippines)... limestone cliffs and very pretty beaches. we got caught in another typhoon here. thank god we were staying about 4 feet from the beach with a corrugated tin roof to keep us safe. there was no power and our candles kept blowing out.

ooh, snake island. see? the snakey shape? look. closer.

more ugly beaches.

they'd take you to different beaches and leave you for the day to snorkel, sun and swim. and eat hot sandwiches.


Blogger djayt said...

So many questions! Who are "they"? Were the sandwiches supposed to be hot, or was it weird and off putting to find them so? Is this supposed to be a bad weather season, or are you just lucky?

11:04 PM  

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