Tuesday, January 16, 2007

mens tour '06

joren, tim and sebastian (from germany) at the beginning of 'the mens bike tour' as it became to be known. about 20 years ago, marcos got a bunch of animals from africa and put them on an island north of where we were staying (coron, philippines) to make sort of a private zoo for himself and then... well, did nothing. the guys thought it'd be fun to ride 4 hrs there/4 hrs back on a bumpy, dusty road. i wasn't invited. i was glad.

joren fell off his bike once, they all got muffler burns and various road wounds. i think here they've stopped for a croissant break.

the safari jeep which broke down 2 or 3 times. they had to push it to get it started on more than one occasion.

i forgot what these were called but the boys (if i remember correctly) were somewhat afraid of them and fed them bananas (threw bananas at them).

tim and sebastian trying to attract the giraffes with branches. all they did was effectively chase them away.

one of the repair stops.

they arrived back just after dark (i was enjoying a cocktail waiting for them), they'd been gone about 12 hours. idiots.


Blogger Jasph said...

Great pix and of course, swell captioning for the travel-impaired.

It occurs to me that I haven't been anywhere except Sacramento (work), St. Louis (family), New York (work, work, work), Chicago (family), and Nebraska (lunch) in the last three years.

Penny and I used to go to Big Sur every year, England, Scotland, Mexico a couple times before Jonah was born -- and Hallmark used to pay for all kinds of travel (my Bologna has a first name, it's Hallmark Research Trip). Now it's Nowheresville or bust. Or both.

Thank God I can live vicariously through you, your monkeys, your cockfights, your subterranean rivers.

Our staff did take a van out to tour the Harley-Davidson plant in North Kansas City yesterday. It was fun. But I return home and I don't feel that broadening effect. I just feel sleepy.

[he falls over sideways]

4:22 AM  

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