Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The chickens come back

That was beth's burning question. Everywhere we hike, there are chickens running around. (so much for the bird flu) they are jumping around the terraces, running on and off the paths, through the houses, everywhere. So when we were talking to one of the native tribesmen, beth had to question... How do you know who's chicken is who's. After looking at her with the same expression that most people use with her, he simply said "They come back." "Pigs, too." doy.

It was all in Filipino... I don't think he learned much. (good.) (mom, thought you would get a kick out of this...) the people here are surprisingly all VERY christian. there is religious propaganda everywhere... but, apparently, jesus does love me after all.

these guys were a little skeptical of tall white men, but we gave them chocolates to ease their suspicion...

joren assessing the situation. hmmm, yes, good rice. excellent rice.


Blogger Jasph said...

So, do you have to walk on the edges of the terraces everywhere you go? I've always wondered, and the photos amplify my ignorance.

My ignorance is deafening.

But thanks to you, I do have A GLORIOUSLY POINTLESS BLOGwhich I can't help noticing you seem to have better things to do than comment on.

3:45 AM  

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