Sunday, February 18, 2007

monkey town

we spent valentine's day in monkey town, about 3 hours north of bangkok. it has another name (lop buri), but we prefer monkey town. after all, it's all about the monkeys. and the love.

this was the local hardware store. free banana central!

the monkeys were everywhere. sitting on the curbs, crossing the street, on store front awnings, driving cars. hooray for monkey town!

joren at the temple. they give you a stick to keep the monkeys off, if need be. check out the little guy on the left. he looks suspicious to me.

like i said, the stick is for keeping monkeys off. or swinging them in circles, whatever.

you can't shake those little guys off. kind of like the leeches in borneo.(we haven't even TOLD you about borneo yet... there were leeches. and MAYBE i panicked.)

nobody freak out, it's just the littlest monkey of all.

okay, this is what we were really supposed to be looking at. yeah right, with all those monkeys
what could make monkey town even better? yes, chicken foot soup.


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