Monday, April 02, 2007

the golden land

this is a massive temple complex in rangoon (burma). super big and golden. we did some heavy duty praying here. apparently, the way one prays takes into consideration what day of the week you were born and how many years you are. i'm a 36 year old hamster. plus, they count the year you were in the womb which is bullshit. joren was either a rat or maybe a jackass.

we spent several hours here one evening. it was really beautiful and there was some more monk chat happening.

this reminds me of the time we had our teeth cleaned in northern thailand. see the dirty teeth behind the skort? that's why it reminds me of teeth cleaning. anyhow, joren had 5 tooth holes, which he had fixed for the low, low cost of $15 each. i had zero tooth holes.

nuns. they get to be bald, too. but see, they're girls, so pink robes.

a flock of monks! or is it a gaggle? pod. i think it's a pod.

it's a super sparkly temple. to lure you in. that's how religion works. all smoke and mirrors, baby.


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