Monday, April 02, 2007

get your ducks together, dammit

little burman man carting joren and his orange shirt around town. the town being mandalay.

this monk is flipping me off. what are they teaching these monks? how to be disrespectin. that's what.

big fried squares of dough, even better with goat or mutton wrapped inside. or love.

one duck

see? you can see him better because the kid is squeezing him!

two squeezy ducks! (ps. i only touched the duck A LITTLE since a recent outbreak of bird flu in myanmar)

typical street scene in mandalay, central myanmar.

little grousy monk.

monk line one morning in front of our guest house. we were eating breakfast as they walked silently by. these monks are wearing darker robes, which means they are evil.


Blogger Jasph said...

That little grousy monk looks like you could squeeze him.

Let me take this moment to express publicly my undying and official gratitude for the stunning souvenir presented to me on Monday.

I'm going to get Penny to take a photo of me in it and then post it on my blog for all the world (or seven, maybe eight readers) to see.

It's truly amaziing. Thanks...................jph

11:36 PM  

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