pointy hats for pointy heads
ok. some more photos from myanmar. these temples seem like a million miles away... oh wait. they are.we're back, god dammit. big and white, just like my ass
this is the world's biggest monument base. the king that was building it died and the rest was never completed. just think of all that slave man power going to waste. WASTER! i'm glad he's dead.
monk on top of the world lookin down on creation
two, two, two monks in one!
more riverside shit goin on
... but still not too busy to wave at whitey!
love that wicked big collar
pointy hats for sale! pooooooiiiiinty hats for sale!
shortly after befriending this cow, joren butchered him and we ate his entrails for dinner.
Well, I've been making the rounds of various blogs today, since nobody's commenting on mine (you have to give in order to get, see), and this is the first time I've laughed aloud at anybody's writing.
And that includes writing by self-proclaimed valedictorian of bottom-feeders Heather Armstrong, who is funny.
She's no Beth Bass, though, is my point. Pooiiiiint for sale!
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